Who doesn’t like to add a personal touch to their greeting cards, notebooks or party invites? If you are inspired by innovative stationery and Japanese culture, you will also like Ishtar Olivera’s book: ‘I love Stamping’.
Earlier this year, Ishtar and I met through Instagram and soon after got together for afternoon tea and our own stamping workshop. We realised that we both have the same passion for Japanese and Mexican culture and an admiration for the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. I had always wanted to learn stamping techniques and was fascinated to discover Ishtar and her world of Japanese inspired stamping. The delicate nature of her work, the pastel colours and the simplicity, really caught my eye.

Ishtar has a unique way of shaping her stamps, creating and making characters like cats, rabbits, butterflies and birds. They seem full of life, literally jumping off envelopes, wrapping paper, gift cards and tags. Her motto is: ‘Find happiness in the small things’. The book is filled with carving tips, stamping techniques and 31 super-cute projects to choose from. Moreover, there are 100 templates to trace and get started.

Ishtar describes how carving is like a moment of relaxation and meditation. As she states, ‘Your creativity gives a sense of fulfillment and makes you happier in life’. Shall I tell you a secret? Since our workshop, I can’t stop stamping! Here are some of my latest creations:

What are you waiting for? Get some ink and stamping materials and follow the techniques from Ishtar’s book I love stamping – I’m sure that you will have a lot of fun…
My motto is: ‘The more you practice, the better you get!’

Silvia Downey
1st October 2017So cute, versatile and international!
Let’s get stamping!
1st October 2017That’s so lovely!!